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How to increase organic reach of your real estate Facebook page without spending money on ads

How to increase organic reach of your real estate Facebook page without spending money on ads

Tips on hacking your organic reachHow to increase organic reach of your real estate Facebook page without spending money on ads

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the undisputed social media king.

As a real estate professional, you can’t afford to ignore the power of Facebook marketing because it is probably the best tool for local businesses to reach their customers.

Real estate has always been a local business. It still is. You will obviously not want to miss out on the opportunities that Facebook can throw your way.

With Facebook you can generate leads without having to hit the streets. Right from the comfort of your office.


But just like professionals in other industries, real estate agents are nowadays facing a challenge when using Facebook for real estate lead generation.

There was a time when all the fans of your Facebook page would get to read whatever you posted on your page, be it a property listing or a blog post link. But have you noticed that the organic reach of posts is steadily on the decline over the past few years?

According to a study, it is now difficult to reach even 2 percent of your page fans even if you post extremely interesting stuff.

What it means is that if you have 100k page fans, less than 2,000 of them will get to read it. And in order to get 100k fans for your page, you will have to spend thousands of dollars on Facebook advertising.

Obviously the investment isn’t worth it, is it?

Facebook wants you to spend more and more on advertising. I’ve got a few tips for you to hack your organic reach, though.

Preferred audience targeting – A free Facebook tool

If your Facebook page has more than 5000 fans, you will have the preferred audience targeting feature turned on automatically. In case your page fans are less than 5000, take the following steps:

  • Go to your Page.
  • Click ‘Settings’ in the top right hand corner.
  • Click ‘General’ in the tab column on the left side of the page.
  • Find the row labeled ‘Audience Optimization for Posts’ in the middle of the page and click ‘Edit.’.
  • Check off the box that that allows you to begin using the feature.

Once you turn this feature on, you will see an icon below each Facebook post.

facebook reach for real estate

Once you click on this icon, you will have a new page that should look similar to the image below:

facebook real estate agents targeting

Here you can add tags, defining specific interests of your target audience.

Once you have defined the interests, you can click on the ‘audience restrictions’ page and be specific about other attributes such as age and gender of your target audience. This may come handy if you are promoting a home meant for people from a specific segment such as retirees or millennials.

facebook real estate age and gender

Click here to read more about this feature.

If you serve people from a particular segment, you can set general ‘preferred page audience’ for all posts, rather than setting it for each post.

Take the following steps to do this:

  • Go to Page Manager and then click on the ‘Settings’ tab
  • Scroll down and click on ‘Preferred Page Audience’
  • Follow the steps you took for setting ‘Preferred Page Audience’ for your posts

Videos have more organic reach

According to Buffer, video-based content receives an average of 400% more engagement than text-only content.

So you have been posting property listings and photos day in and day out on your Facebook page, you will run the risk of reducing your page’s organic reach over a period of time.

Use features such as Facebook Live to interact with your fans.

It will boost your page’s organic reach.

Quality over quantity

Don’t bore your page fans with property listings all the time.

It will have a very negative impact on the organic reach of your page.

There is a direct correlation between engagements on your page in terms of likes and shares and organic reach.

If your fans like your content and share it frequently, the engagement will cause the organic reach of your page to increase.

You can implement these simple tips quite easily. It will increase your real estate Facebook page’s organic reach. You will not only save money on advertising, but also enjoy more engagement with your content.